ロモグラフィーアワード 都会探検家: Through Windows and Glasses

916 枚の応募作品 · 募集終了 ·

Allow us to experience the hustle and bustle of the city through overlapping scenes reflected on glass windows and storefronts.

For this Urban Explorers competition, we're challenging you to incorporate reflections on glass windows to create a mirage of different scenes. Think of how the strong geometric lines of a building facade mirrored onto another create a hypnotic image, like the shot above by bloomchen. Or if you're into a more painting-like photograph, take inspiration from Judy Mauer's New York Dolls or Saul Leiter's poignant colored photographs.

Each participant may submit up to 10 photographs. This competition serves as the qualifying round for the Urban Explorers Awards.

The Winners

Congratulations to: mcgloin-dakota-kroegeajbloomchenmcgloinsystemdevicenosheterotopiesprntmkrapamsiglela_yallehei & metaluna.