Panorama EBS at Stonehenge #3

I woke really early and drove 100km to be at the ancient, mystical ruins of Stonehenge by sunrise. It was a frigid morning (3°C) with a bitter wind, but at least it was clear, with plenty of sunshine. I approached the 'exposing both sides' (EBS) technique the same way as described in my first panorama EBS album here: The only difference was that I had a changing bag with me this time, so I could flip the film onsite from the redscale side (which I shot first) back to the normal side. I froze my ass off out there, but I think it was worth it for these results. Hope you like 'em too...! :-)

2 Comment

  1. naiseta
    naiseta ·


  2. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    Selected 5 February 2013 - Yay, thanks, LSI...! :-)

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