2024-09-24 _go_shi_ がシェア 12 -
2024-09-23 _go_shi_ がシェア 23 -
2024-09-17 _go_shi_ がシェア 19 -
2024-09-18 _go_shi_ がシェア 21 -
2024-09-26 _go_shi_ がシェア 26 -
2023-09-06 kota_97 の記事18歳の時にフィルムに出会ったフォトグラファーの国分真央さん「フィルムとは同じ状況には二度とならない実験の連続」だと言います。そんな彼女にLomoApparatを託し、LomoChrome MetropolisとColor Negative ISO 400で撮影をしてもらいました。
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LomoApparatに写す日常の発見:Rinco Koyama
2023-12-20 #gear #people kota_97 の記事占い師でもありポートレートを撮影する写真家Rinco Koyamaさんは、二足の草鞋の間で共通することは「直感力」と言います。今回、LomoApparatでスナップ写真を撮ってもらいました。「直感」に従った写真の仕上がりはどのようなものになったのでしょうか。
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Jake Witham: LomoChromeフィルムが作り出す感情的な写真
2023-12-09 #文化 #ニュースストリートやドキュメンタリー撮影を手掛けるJake Withamは、LomoChromeシリーズのフィルムを組み合わせてたくさんの写真を撮っています。こ今回Jakeに彼の写真とLomoChromeに魅了され続けている理由について話を聞いてみました。
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LomoChrome Turquoise Review by @hodachrome
2023-05-04 #gear #people hodachrome の記事In this article Hodaka Yamamoto (AKA @hodachrome) offers a comprehensive review and guide to shooting with our latest LomoChrome Turquoise formula. From color comparisons to recommended ISO settings, let’s learn from the master!
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2022-04-28 mak-t-photo がシェア[location]#yokohama [camera]#a7 [film]#cn400 #japan #photo #photography #filmphotography #film #film_jp #filmcamera #analog #heylomography
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2022-04-28 mak-t-photo がシェア[location]#yokohama [camera]#a7 [film]#cn400 #japan #photo #photography #filmphotography #film #film_jp #filmcamera #analog #heylomography
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2022-04-28 mak-t-photo がシェア[location]#yokohama [camera]#a7 [film]#cn400 #japan #photo #photography #filmphotography #film #film_jp #filmcamera #analog #heylomography
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2022-04-28 mak-t-photo がシェア[location]#yokohama [camera]#a7 [film]#cn400 #japan #photo #photography #filmphotography #film #film_jp #filmcamera #analog #heylomography
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2022-04-28 mak-t-photo がシェア[location]#yokohama [camera]#a7 [film]#cn400 #japan #photo #photography #filmphotography #film #film_jp #filmcamera #analog #heylomography
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2022-04-28 mak-t-photo がシェア[location]#yokohama [camera]#a7 [film]#cn400 #japan #photo #photography #filmphotography #film #film_jp #filmcamera #analog #heylomography
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Lomography Pioneers: @hodachrome and His Magical Multiple Exposures
2022-05-01 #people shhquiet の記事Whether you're a newbie or a veteran in our community, chances are you've encountered this Lomography Pioneer's multiple-exposed masterpieces.
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Community Spotlight: @deedee_photog and @mak-t-photo
2021-11-15 eparrino の記事Photography will always have a place for the old and the new. Get to know a seasoned community member @deedee_photog and newcomer @mak-t-photo in this Community Spotlight!
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“Deep into the Core”: a Soulful Multiple Exposure Series by Hodachrome
2021-10-10 #文化 #people cielsan の記事Japanese Lomographer and multiple exposure genius Hodaka Yamamoto a.k.a. hodachrome paints the natural world into the silhouettes of his subjects.
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2021-06-22 annika_schwermut がシェア#experimental #acrylic #painting #art #sketch #mixedmedia #ink #abstract #structure #colours #prints
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2021-06-22 annika_schwermut がシェア#experimental #acrylic #painting #art #sketch #mixedmedia #ink #abstract #structure #colours #prints
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2021-06-22 annika_schwermut がシェア#experimental #acrylic #painting #art #sketch #mixedmedia #ink #abstract #structure #colours #prints
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2021-05-08 annika_schwermut がシェア#diana #dianamini #body
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2021-06-22 annika_schwermut がシェア#experimental #acrylic #painting #art #sketch #mixedmedia #ink #abstract #structure #colours #prints
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2021-06-22 annika_schwermut がシェア#experimental #acrylic #painting #art #sketch #mixedmedia #ink #abstract #structure #colours #prints
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Speckled, Colored, Painted — a Photo Gallery by @annika_schwermut
2021-09-26 #people #places cheeo の記事Community member @annika_schwermut takes her analogue experiments up a notch by painting her prints. See more of her work in this photo gallery.
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2021-04-14 primula がシェア 33 -
2021-06-03 primula がシェア 36 -
From mars with love, Feb 14, 2321.
2021-03-02 davidalexandre がシェア 67 -
Le Grand Meaulnes
2021-05-24 davidalexandre がシェアPhoto taken at « Père Lachaise » cemetery
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Bleu et brun
2021-04-25 davidalexandre がシェア 2 79 -
Bellagio jaune
2021-02-07 davidalexandre がシェア 4 167 -
Grainy day
2021-01-31 davidalexandre がシェア 4 297 -
Usuzumi Cherry Blossoms
2021-04-16 nyagora がシェア#japan #gifu #canon #eos #kodak
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2020-10-30 nyagora がシェア#japan #werra #fuji #FUJI業務用100
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EOS Kiss5(Rebel Ti・300V) Kodak Portra400 …
2021-02-07 nyagora がシェア#canon #eoskiss5 #japan #gifu #kodak #portra #PentaconAV
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EOS7 Lomography REDSCALE XR50-200 35mm
2021-08-05 nyagora がシェア#canon #eos #Lomography #redscale #japan #gifu #fukui #ishikawa
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2021-07-10 mint_film がシェア 28 -
2021-07-10 mint_film がシェア 23 -
2021-07-10 mint_film がシェア 38 -
2021-08-02 zekiphone がシェア 15 -
2021-08-02 zekiphone がシェア 2 19 -
2021-08-10 zekiphone がシェア 21 -
2021-08-10 zekiphone がシェア 1 63 -
2021-08-10 zekiphone がシェア 52 -
2021-05-02 hilomx がシェア 8 68 -
Nine Doves
2020-12-13 hilomx がシェア 2 87 -
2020-12-13 hilomx がシェア 5 90 -
2020-12-13 hilomx がシェア 70 -
"Electricity" July2021
2021-07-31 hilomx がシェアMonthly-Doubleexposure-Challenge between @Yusuketk & @Hilomx One theme each month. Please see also his photo:
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2021-06-18 hilomx がシェア 80