All photos copyright raygun- please do not use any of my photos without my permission, thank you. I was born and raised in South Africa but I live in Italy after having spent some years in London. My interests are, in no particular order, beer, cooking, collecting vinyl records, Djing, running, reading, films, cats, rugby, playing guitar, tenor saxophone & banjo.
Vittorio Veneto/イタリア
写真 アルバム My Walls LIKEした写真
アルバム: Nikon F3 Spring 2015
raygun が 2015-07-21 にシェアしました · 62 枚の写真 -
アルバム: Old Test Roll found in Kiev Camera
raygun が 2015-06-17 にシェアしました · 14 枚の写真 -
アルバム: Lomo LCA B&W Vittorio & Trieste
raygun が 2015-06-17 にシェアしました · 13 枚の写真 -
アルバム: Hasselblad Cansiglio December 2014
raygun が 2015-06-17 にシェアしました · 9 枚の写真 -
アルバム: New Years 2014/2015
raygun が 2015-06-17 にシェアしました · 13 枚の写真 -
アルバム: Venice Vittorio & New Years 2014
raygun が 2015-06-17 にシェアしました · 25 枚の写真
- Tags:
- Nikon F3 black and white Italy Arsat
- australia
- beach
- black
- blackdovepub
- brighton
- cadillacs
- cansiglio
- cars
- cat
- cats
- church
- dancing
- decadent
- developed
- eggleston
- england
- expired
- fiat
- fifties
- home
- homeade
- hove
- italy
- jazz
- london
- mini
- mod
- morris
- non-place
- palace
- party
- pier
- pub
- redscale
- ro9
- rockabilly
- rodinaol
- rust
- seaside
- soul
- summer
- tungsten
- veneto
- vespa
- vittorio
- wedding
- weeds
- white
- xpro
- Cameras:
- Hasselblad 501 C
- Holga 120 CFN
- Kiev 19
- Lomo LC-A
- Lomo Lubitel 2
- Lubitel 166 Olympic Edition
- Minox 35 GL
- Nikon F3
- Pentacon Six
- Pentax ME
- Pentax MZ-50
- Ricoh 35 ZF
- Ricoh Diacord 6x6
- Zenit E
- Zorki 4
- pentax mz50
- Films:
- Expired Agfa Agfachrome CT Precisa 100 ASA
- Expired Fuji Superia 100
- Expired Kodachrome ektachrome 64T
- Expired Kodak Ektachrome 64T (35mm) tungsten
- Expired Kodak T400 CN
- Foma Fomapan 400 120mm
- Fomapan 100 ASA
- Fomapan 400
- Fomapan 400 asa profi line action
- Fuji Superia
- Fujicolor 400
- Ilford 50 ASA
- Ilford FP4+ ISO 125
- Kodak Ektachrome P1600
- Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)
- Kodak T400 CN
- Lomography Color Negative 100
- Lomography Color Negative 100 (120)
- Lomography Lady Grey B&W 400 (120)
- expired agfa vista 200