Top Shoutbox Users of 2017


This year, Shoutbox remained an open space for Lomographers across the world to share the latest news, exciting experiments, and random queries (photography-related or otherwise!). One can certainly feel the sense of camaraderie and passion from every single message that pops on this humble space. And making it even livelier are these community members who are always ready to share their voice. Meet our top shoutbox users of 2017.

Credits: hervinsyah, ekeupratama, lomodesbro, neja, steamtug1959, ilcontrariodime, sirio174, wil6ka & lomaugustry

See the rest of the trending photos and top-notch Lomographers in our year-end Community Recap.

2017-12-30 #community-recap #top-shoutbox-users #community-recap-2017

5 Comment

  1. icequeenubia
    icequeenubia ·

    Congratulations and keep on "shouting"! @hervinsyah, @ekeupratama, @lomodesbro, @montagu, @neja, @steamtug1959, @ilcontrariodime, @sirio174, @wil6ka & @lomaugustry

  2. neja
    neja ·

    @hervinsyah is the loudest one ! :)))

  3. neja
    neja ·

    @icequeenubia ahhaah thank you

  4. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Thanks Eunice @icequeenubia 👌 @neja rroarr 🐆 congrats to you too miss Julija 💝

  5. steamtug1959
    steamtug1959 ·

    Thank you very much @icequeenubia , Nice to meet you, Ralph
