Purrfect LC-A+ Cats on Parade!

Cats — what an unpredictable bunch, eh? They’re bright eyed, fluffy-soft, and cute. But they can be grumpy, scheming, and mischievous at the same time, too! Their sneaky yet adorable antics make them awesome (or should we say, pawsome?) subjects for photography. If you’re planning to snap some photos, better get your props ready. Lure them in with empty boxes, a ball of yarn, or even a sprinkling of catnip...

Credits: orangebird

To capture truly charming photos it's best to hang back at a distance and stealthily snap a few shots. Most cats don’t like to be bothered, and, whatever you do — don’t pet them on their bellies! If it's your pet cat, then maybe — just maybe — yours will allow you to edge a little closer, and if you're lucky, it will jump on your lap for a snooze. Take a cue from these Community members who captured their feline friends!

Credits: butchcomer, unknownsoldier, marant69, mateja, npkishi, helhorn, bugs & tomoka_s

Whether your feline friend is lounging indoors in boxes or rolling outdoors in the dewy grass, rest assured that your exposures will be spot-on. The Lomo LC-A+ automatically calculates the exposure needed for the lighting situation you're in. It even lets you conveniently shoot between 0.8 m to infinity, so just set the zone focus distance accordingly an have fun!

Credits: tomoka_s, gunship, calamity, szzs & mateja

Dig through your archives and see if there are some candid cat photos you'd like to share with us! Upload the cutest cat shots on your LomoHome and don't forget to tag the photos with #lcacat. Still don't have a Lomo LC-A+? Get yours from our Online Shop or from Gallery Stores worldwide.



Lomo LC-A+

Lomo LC-A+

Lomo Kompakt Automat ( 通称 LOMO LC-A )は、1984年に旧ソ連で誕生したコンパクトオート35mmカメラ。LC-Aが写し出す鮮やかな発色、クラシカルなヴィネット、そしてコントラストの強い写真は90年代に世界的なムーブメントを巻き起こし、ロモグラフィー発祥のきっかけとなりました。そのLC-Aに機能を追加(+)して、生まれ変わったのがLomo LC-A+です!
