6 Comment

  1. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    THIS LOOK MUCH FUN. Btw, she looks like Elisabeth Ziman from Elisabeth And The Catapult

  2. welland
    welland ·

    @hervinsyah she does! I never knew of the band but have googled it. I told her and she was quite chuffed!

  3. welland
    welland ·

    @hervinsyah she does! I never knew of the band but have googled it. I told her and she was quite chuffed!

  4. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Ups, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to said about bad thing to her (with said that she looks like Elisabeth Ziman). I'm sorry, because my English is bad and I didn't found the meaning of "chuffed" at the dictionary. So, I guess she was quite chuffed means she was angry? Say my apologize to her.

  5. welland
    welland ·

    @hervinsyah no no chuffed means happy! Smiley! So no worries at all! She was pleased!

  6. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Huff, thank for the translation. Have a good day :)

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