応募 by awa-awa

Planet of the Amaryllis.

Load your camera with Kodak Aerocolor 125 film for special aerospace research and take off into any orbit and take pictures, take pictures... I've already done that once. I went into stationary orbit above the planet Peony and photographed it, its satellites and its inhabitants. It was already a long time ago. Last summer. I showed you these photos. Today I show photos of the surface of the planet Amaryllis. This is a huge planet. In addition, unfortunately, it is far hidden from the sun, so I had to photograph it under special spotlights. Carefully studying the graceful irregularities of its surface, one can only guess what an interesting biography the Amaryllis planet has. #Siberia #Amarilis #winter #February #flowers

脱コンクリートジャングル: Nature Photography Awards 2022

年に一度のロモグラフィーフォトアワード:TEN AND ONE 2022へようこそ! みなさんの自然の中で撮ったベストショットを是非シェアしてください!

その他の応募作品 by awa-awa