ロモグラフィーアワード アドレナリン爆発: Martial Arts

91 枚の応募作品 · 募集終了 ·

Whether for self-defense, combat sports, meditation, or physical fitness, show us the disciplined form and rigorous training of martial arts experts.

From striking (boxing, karate, etc.) to grappling (wrestling, jiu jitsu) to takedown (judo) styles. To those who use weapons (silat, kendo) or have mastered the breathing techniques of more meditative styles (tai chi). Let's appreciate the solid stances, powerful strikes and effective blocks of practitioners of martial arts.

Each participant can submit up to 10 photographs. This competition, which serves as the qualifying round for Adrenaline Junkies, is open to all.

Preview photo by priyotrilaksono, showing Indonesian martial arts pencak silat.

The Winners

Congratulations to: robertofiuzadavid_csirio174robertofiuzaterria58007-0815-stylerpadraick、ゲスト、lomodumeshu & padraick.