ロモグラフィーアワード インスタント: Explorers of the World

464 枚の応募作品 · 募集終了 ·

Take us on the trip around lush forests and majestic mountains through your instant snapshots.

Hung up those thick clothes and drive away from the still snowy city. It's time to embrace the wilderness again now that winter is almost over. Commemorate your commune with nature using your favorite instant camera. Allow us to hear the chirping birds and rushing rives, feel the rocky terrain under our feet, and smell the earth through those tactile, one-of-a-kind instant photos.

Each participant may submit up to 10 instant photographs. This competition serves as the qualifying round for the Instant category.

Photo by prairydog

The Winners

Congratulations to: michal_vavroyveselizaldesarahreidnotchesyveselizaldemagcanutnotchesedwardcondeem_lattanzismolda & katherine_chowchow.