毎年恒例のロモグラフィーアワード:TEN AND ONEの審査員は世界中のロモグラファー、フィルム写真の技術者などから選ばれています。


  • Ale di Gangi

    1966年にフィレンツェ生まれたAle di Gangiは幼少期から芸術との関わりがありましたが、大人になるまで写真に挑戦することはありませんでした。それ以前は、インディーズシンガー、若き詩人、ジャーナリストなどとして活躍して彼の人生と経験において、音楽、映画、デザイン、文学は、写真よりも大きな影響を受けてきました。今ではポラロイドやロモグラフィーが彼の自己表現のツールとなり、フィルム写真ならではの不完全さやランダム性を楽しんでいる。国内外での個展も多く行っている。Flickr / Instagram

  • Alice Brizzi

    Alice Brizziは2020年のロックダウンをきっかけに独学で写真を学び始め、今ではフィルム写真でポートレートを撮影しています。今ではフィルムを知らないデジタル世代にフィルムの楽しさを伝えるためにも活動しています。Instagram

  • Amp Puttipong

    タイ在住のAmp Puttipongはグラフィックデザイナーとして活動する側、ミニマル写真、ストリート写真や多重露光などの写真も撮影しています。多重露光作品を展示する個展なども行い、写真家としても活動しています。 Instagram

  • Choi mate

    Choi mateはソウルで写真スタジオを経営し、自身のYouTubeでも活動しています。 ロモグラフィーの実験的要素を誰よりも愛し、Petzvalレンズの愛用者でもあります。Instagram

  • Chubbyshoot

    Teerawut LongsreeとKaewkarn Kamondetchは2021年6月にChubbyShootとしてロモグラフィーのコミュニティーに登録しました。特にハーフフレームに熱中していて、ストーリー性のある写真を撮っています。

  • Dael Maselli

    Dael Maselliは父親と家の浴室に作った暗室に一緒にいることがあったこともあり、生涯ずっと写真に関わってきました。IT関連企業で働く上で、常に最新テクノロジーと触れ合う機会が多いですが、写真の根底は化学反応で写真が生まれるフィルム写真にあると言いいます。YouTubeチャンネル / Instagram

  • DamuFotographia

    Damufotografia (Bo Shi) は、中国出身の若手アートフォトグラファーです。イタリア・カッラーラの美術アカデミー古典芸術学科を卒業し、イタリアの古典芸術を写真と組み合わせた美学教育を受ける。Sigma、Xiaomi、OnePlus、Insta360などのブランドとコラボレートしている。IPA国際写真賞を多数受賞し、中でも映像作品「North Korea」シリーズは、IPA国際巡回展で展示され、中国、イタリア、ロシア、ギリシャなどで開催される国際写真展にも多数入選している。 Instagram.

  • David Walls

    アーティスト、アナログ写真家、実験映像作家として活動するDavid Wallsは2013年からパラグアイを拠点に活動している。化学的プロセスと新しい外観の絶え間ない探求に情熱を傾け、2017年には主に実験的アナログと自己言及的ジャンルで独自のオーディオビジュアル制作を開始し、植物を使った実験も好む。 カメラショップのPiscucha Kiosco Analógicoの創設者でもある。Instagram

  • Deftom

    フランス・ボルドー出身の, Deftomは、2006年に映像の仕事を始め、2018年に写真に転向しました。デジタルとフィルムをミックスした様々な手法で作品を制作していて、2022年以降自身のYoutubeチャンネルにも力を注いでいます。LomoHome / Instagram

  • Dinesh Allamaprabhu

    Dinesh Allamaprabhuはインドのバンガロールで50年以上家族経営で運営されているプロ用写真ラボ「Film Foto Store」を経営しています。彼は100以上の国際的な賞を受賞している国際的に有名な動物写真家であり、彼の作品は43カ国以上で展示されています。多くの国際的な写真団体から認められ、オーストラリア写真協会のフェロー、英国王立写真協会のアソシエイト、国際写真芸術連盟(FIAP)のエクセレンスFIAPなど、栄誉ある賞を授与されている。彼の作品は、ジャーナル、雑誌、主要な日刊紙で発表されてます。Instagram

  • Dispara Film

    Disparafilmスペイン語圏の地域で有名なブログであり、Podcast、YouTube、Twitchチャンネルでもあります。彼らは、ブログやソーシャルメディアを通じて、ヒスパニック系アメリカ人コミュニティ全体の写真家のニュースや経験を発信しています。また、1000人以上のユーザーを持つスペイン語圏代々のフィルム写真Discordサーバーの創設者でもあります。また、“Club Analógico”(アナログクラブ)を通じて、技術や写真文化を教えている。

  • Francis Lee

    1990年代にFrancis Leeは第一芸術デザイン学院で広告デザインを学んだ。長年にわたりデザインとクリエイティブワークに従事する。その後自身の写真スタジオを設立し、主に商業広告の写真を撮影する。2000年以降、情報技術産業に転身するが、写真芸術への強い関心を持ち続けている。近年は、ヒューマンドキュメンタリーに関する作品が多い。LomoHome / Instagram.

  • Gela Shekeladze

    ゲラ・シェケラッツェはトビリシ在住の写真家で、Magnolia Film Labのを経営しています。彼は、トビリシ初の限定版プリントギャラリーを運営し、数年にわたり作品の展示や販売を通じて、プロや新進の写真家をサポートしています。現在、彼は個人的なプロジェクトに取り組み、暗室作業を通じてフィルム写真コミュニティをサポートしています。 Instagram / Magnolia Film Lab

  • Gocchin(ゴトウヨシタカ)


  • 姚燚垚 (Han Yao)

    姚燚垚 (Han Yao)は国内の有名な専門写真誌「摄影之友 PHOTOGRAPHERS' COMPANION」の編集部に長年勤務し、キヤノン、ニコン、ソニー、富士フィルム、ライカ、シグマ、ハッセルブラッド、DJIなど、一連のカメラブランドと協力してきたシニア写真メディア人である。Han Yaoは、イギリス留学中にロモグラフィーカメラを含む様々な種類のフィルムカメラやアンティークカメラに触れ始めた、深い写真機材愛好家です。彼は100台以上の古いカメラを集めている。

  • Jaime García


  • Jim Fisher

    PCMagで写真機材のレビューとニュースを担当するJim Fisher 。10年以上にわたる業界取材でミラーレスカメラやスマートフォンの写真革命を最前列で楽しんできたが、フィルムカメラや機械式カメラにもこだわりがある。50年代初期のローライフレックス、ライカM3、ペンタックスLXなどを愛用し、特に20世紀中期のレンズの外観がお気に入り。Instagram

  • Jiun Shin

    Jiun Shinは韓国を拠点に活動するフィルムフォトグラファー。映像やアートディレクションなど、様々な分野で活躍中。ズレた不機嫌な瞬間を集める彼女は、どんな状況でも挑戦し、冒険を楽しみます。彼女はロモグラフィーのユニークな機材を探求することで、夢のイメージを作ることに限界はないと感じている。また、ロモグラフィーのカラーネガフィルムを使ってカラフルな夢を描き、大切なのは、楽しいこと、選べないこと、不思議な美しさだと言う。Instagram

  • 宮本邦彦

    スタジオスタッフからミニラボチェーン店長を経て独立。写真店「彩色兼美」を東京で20年運営、その後2019年からフィルム郵送現像を主とするネットショップ「Photo Depot 彩色兼美」としてリニューアル。 110mmフィルムの現像に対応したり、パーフォレーションを活かした「フィルミミ」コースを作ったり、ロモグラフィー専用現像コースを作ったり、フィルムユーザーのサポートに日々取り組んでいる。一方バリアフリースポーツのカメラマンとしても25年程活動。Lomography Partnersでは経営するPhoto Depot 彩色兼美のご紹介をしています。

  • Lalomixu

    Eduardo Espinoza Chávez (@lalomixu)はメキシコで(@filmindreams)を経営し、フィルム販売や現像サービスを行なっています。10年以上にわたって110から大判、インスタントまで様々なフォーマットを経験しており、フィルムスープ、二重露光、やEBSテクニックなどの実験的なテクニックも活用しています。2018年のムービングイメージ部門の受賞者です。Instagram

  • Luca Eandi

    現在ニューヨークのブルックリンで活動するLuca Eandiは作家であり、写真家でもあります。ストリートフォトグラフィーに熱中する彼はKEH Cameraで長い間勤務しておりデジタル/フィルム問わず写真に長い間関わってきました。ウェブサイト / Instagram / YouTube / KEH

  • Manu2021

    Manuel Esteban Pagesは高校教師であり、社会学の博士課程に在籍している(マドリード)。現在、Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya(バルセロナ)の大学院コース「創造と反映の写真」でも講義を受けている。幼少の頃より写真に情熱を注ぐ。デジタル写真に数年間携わった後、5年間はアナログ写真と19世紀の技術に基づくオルタナティブ・プロセスに専念している。これまでにいくつかの展覧会を開催し、2023年にはさらに2つの展覧会に参加する予定である。インスタグラム

  • Molly Kate

    Molly Kateはアメリカ人の会計士、ライター、写真家で、現在はウェールズのカーディフに拠点を置いています。現在35mmc.comで写真に関するニュースを執筆しているほか、綴りが最も難しいチャンネル「Eclectachrome」でフィルム写真に関するYoutubeビデオを制作しています。ピカピカの新しいものに強く惹かれる彼女は、あらゆる(フィルム)商売をこなす野心家で、フィルム関連で手頃な価格のものはすべて少なくとも一度は試してみるという使命を負っている。彼女のフィルムに関する冒険のほとんどは、Substackのニュースレター(便宜上Electachromeと呼ばれている)に記されています。Instagram

  • Monsieur Bonheur

    1991年8月生まれのMarvin Bonheurは、パリ近郊の93番地で育ちました。2014年、初の写真プロジェクト(Alzheimer)を開始。アイデンティティと芸術の危機の中で、彼は3年間、自分が育った93郊外の写真を撮り続けました。Monsieur Bonheurは、建築、ニューウェーブ、ドリル、郊外に魅了され、自身を献身的なアーティストと表現し、常に都市と大衆文化を強調したいという思いで、マルティニーク島、ロンドン郊外で写真の探求を深めていくつもりである。Instagram

  • Mak Takano

    横浜駅にあるカメラはスズキではカメラの販売、フィルムの現像、写真のプリントを行います。メンバーはロモグラファーの「mak takano」さん。 普段はフィルムで撮影しています。一番よく使うカメラはLc-Wideで、様々なフィルムで撮影していますが、CN100とCN400が一番相性がいいです。LomoHome / Instagram

  • Naeem Douglas

    エミー賞にノミネートされたジャーナリストから、ニューヨークを拠点に活動する映画写真家Naeem Douglasに転身。仲間の写真家シルビア・ザ・SL66(Rollei SL66)とともに、ニューヨークの街角で見知らぬ人々のストリート・ポートレートを撮影しています。また、Souls In Focusというアーティスト集団の総責任者でもあり、親睦、指導、特に有色人種のための包括的な空間を通じて、クリエイターを集める活動をしている。Instagram

  • Ronmonroe


  • Scofield Chan

    Scofield Chan (Chan Ho Yin)はストリートフォトグラファー、YouTubeブロガー、写真講座のコーディネーターである。美術を専攻しており、徒歩で街を探索するのが好きで、香港でフォトウォークを開催している。PX3 2022や2019年のナショナルジオグラフィー香港フォトコンテスト優勝など、様々な賞を受賞している。現在、作品は商業アートギャラリーで販売されている。Instagram / YouTube.

  • Shane Taylor

    ロンドンを拠点に活動するアイルランド人写真家Shane Taylorは、ありふれた都市生活の中に見出されるロマンスと詩を探求する作品を発表しています。これまでに2冊の本を出版し、The Guardian、Grazia、The Irish Timesで紹介されている。Instagram / YouTube.

  • Sombat Sunthoncharu

    ソンバット・スントンチャルは、ストリート写真やポートレート写真からインスピレーションを得る個人的な写真指導者である。彼は、フィルム写真の遊び場のようなHiM LABのオーナーである。Facebook

  • Taotzu Chang

    Taotzu Changは、台湾出身のプロフォトグラファーです。その作品は主にウェディング写真とポートレート写真を中心に、ストリート写真に興味をもっている。Taotzuは現在、imokahhhhという写真YouTubeチャンネルを運営しており、あらゆるオーディエンスに写真関連の知識を広めることに専念しています。

  • Taylor Pendleton

    Taylor PendletonYouTube の写真チャンネルを運営し、Sunny Sixteenの様々な作品にディレクター兼フォトグラファーとして参加している。彼女のキャリアは多岐にわたり、世界中でさまざまなものをさまざまな方法で撮影する機会に満ちている。今、彼女が最も興味を持っているのはモノクロのフィルムとカラフルなスタジオでのポートレートです。

  • Wangyunhan

    Wangyunhanが写真の道を歩み始めたのは15年前。以前は台湾で記者をしていたが、現在もメディア関連の仕事に専念している。モノクロ写真、ドキュメント、旅行シリーズ、ポートレート、ストリート写真に情熱を注いでいる。2021年には、タイのメーサロンと故郷の台湾の関係を繋ぐ写真展《歸途》(One’s way home)を開催した。彼らは孤独な兵士とその子孫の間で古い記憶、歴史、文化について長い間会話をし、彼らの背後にある物語をもっと知りたいと願っている。

  • Yameen - filmhowyalike

    Yameenは写真家であり、遊びの国のふるい手である。カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコを拠点に、常に美しいもの、厳しいもの、不条理なもの、予想外のものをとらえようとしている。Instagram / Twitter / LomoHome

  • Yusuke Nakamura

    金曜日のミニシアターの名前で活動するナカムラユウスケは香川在住のポートレート写真家。従来はデジタルで撮影していたがLomoChrome MetropolisとPurpleに出会いフィルムへ転向。それ以来カラーフィルムを使ったポートレートを撮り続けている。Instagram


  • Adi Prakarsa

    Returning to the TEN AND ONE Awards jury is Adi Prakarsa (@adi_totp) who has been a part of the Lomography Community for more than a decade. With an interest in ethno-economics, he uses film photography as a means to interact and communicate with the people he meets during his research work.

  • Aislinn Chuahiock

    Aislinn Chuahiockはフィリピン最大級のフィルムショップFilm Folkの創設者です。フィルムカメラ愛好家でありながら、日常風景や旅行先の景色をモノクロフィルムに記録しています。

  • Amaia Hodge

    スペイン出身のAmaia Hodgeは、ロモグラフィーコミュニティの長年のメンバーであり、LomoKinoカメラの大ファン。2012年に初のフォトブック「SOUVENIR: Esto no es una guía de viajes」を出版し、ログローニョ市議会から表彰された。それ以来、彼女の作品はいくつかのギャラリーや展覧会を飾っている。

  • 狂阿弥

    Ami is a popular self-media creator and video blogger with more than one million subscribers. He is keen on humanistic film and television content and loves instant photography, vinyl records, and old movies. He has worked with Huawei, Saturnbird, JD.com, and Disney. Follow him at 狂阿弥.

  • Amorill

    Amorill (白薇) is a multi-awarded photographer from Beijing. She’s the founder of Film Renaissance Office, manager of popular Weibo account Japanese Albums, and a co-photographer for Huawei, Alibaba, and JD. She won the Weibo Top Ten Photographic Influence Contribution Awards in 2018, the Photographers Influential Awards in 2019, and the Weibo Most Influential Organization Awards in 2020.

  • Analog Football

    Analog Football is the first media dedicated to analog photography and football. Their aim is to change the way we look at football: more authentic, popular and artistic. In 2020, Analog Football launched Analog Sport, the first associative education project to learn about analog sport photography. For its first year, the organization is teaching six young people from 15 to 18 years old with theoretical classes and photo reportage workshops.

  • Andrei Klyshko

    Andrei Klyshko is a film photographer and film camera seller from Belarus. He started to shoot on film in 2012 with Smena 8M, a passion which has grown into something more over time. Now he works with a creative team of stylist, makeup artist, florist and other creatives to conceptualize a personal look for each model. His style involves using soft optics to create a watercolor-like effect on his images. Street photography is a joy to his soul in his free time. In 2020, his new analogue photography web store was opened.

  • Andrej Russkovkskij

    Andrej Russkovkskij is an Italian-born, Berlin-based, vet surgeon and published analogue photographer with a soft spot for portraiture and travel photography. He is currently working on a series, B L N K D Z #meettheberlinkids, aimed at showing the multitude of empowering faces that call Berlin home.

  • Anett Kaposvári

    Anett Kaposvári is the owner of Lomography Embassy Budapest - Café Analóg and has been working in the film photography and lab business for more than 15 years, which provided her with many opportunities to explore different film formats, cameras, and techniques. Her all-time favorite is shooting in medium format (6x6) and always brings a Hasselblad 500C and a Diana F+ camera with her. Having a limited number of frames, 12 instead of 36 on a roll of 35mm, forces her to think before shooting and appreciate those dozen memorable moments. She spends a lot of time in nature, hiking, and shooting on colored films. What she appreciates the most about the analogue process is seeing how different films can render scenes, depending on lighting conditions and the colors of the surroundings.

  • Anna Volpi

    Anna Volpi is a professional photographer based in Mantova and Verona, Italy. Her commercial work is mostly based on ceremonies, events, portraiture, and erotica. Her personal work is always focused on people, what they do, how they feel, who they are, and what they create. The body is an eternal inspiration for her, with photographs crossing through portraiture, nudes, erotica, life reportage. She teaches photography in several schools, reads portfolios at festivals, and is president of the Biennale of Female Photography. She is also a guide for Aperture Tours.

  • Anne-Fleur Sire

    After two Master’s degrees in visual arts and sociology about photography and portraiture, Anne-Fleur Sire turned her attention to onirism and sensations in her work. For her, analogue photography is the perfect medium for experimentation, self-discovery, and discovery of the other. The photographer often collaborates with Lomography.

  • Anton Vernydub

    Anton Vernydub is one of Austrias most popular film photographers. The Vienna-based artist enjoys capturing his surroundings in wonderful, dreamy pastel colors on 35 mm film - both in his hometown and whilst on his spectacular travels. His magical pictures are especially astonishing considering that he only really discovered his love for film photography in 2019!

  • Antonio Amendola

    Antonio Amendola is the founder of #Shoot4Change, an international network for photographers and artists who creates humanitarian reportages for non-government organizations. Through this project, he aims to raise awareness of forgotten stories that are not considered as “remunerative by mainstream media.”

  • Antonio Castello

    Lifestyle and fashion photographer Antonio Castello is currently a Lomography ambassador for Columbia. Over the past decade, he has consistently produced work for international brands and companies using Lomography cameras and Art Lenses.

  • Ben Hammer

    Professional photographer, mixed media artist, and art director Ben Hammer who specializes in portraiture and reportage. He's passionate about presenting visual stories of people. Photo by Philipp Reinhard.

  • Benedetta Falugi

    Benedetta Falugi is an independent photographer based in Tuscany, Italy. She initially approached photography in a rather casual way, but once she realized this is a craft she’s passionate about, she continued to study photography through various workshops and as an autodidact. She started a personal project attempting to research ‘places of the heart and people living there’. Her film photographs have been published in several photographic magazines, books, and various personal and collective exhibitions, both in Italy and abroad.

  • Bjarke Ahlstrand

    A self-proclaimed “Managing Dictator”, Bjarke Ahlstrand’s multifaceted lifestyle makes him one of our current Renaissance Man of the Arts. His wide range of interests and ventures for business and his passions have made him establish One of Many. Part of his creative empire is One of Many Cameras, the auxiliary for his analogue and experimental routine located in the heart of Copenhagen.

  • Brett Allen Smith

    Brett Allen Smith is an independent filmmaker and Middle East journalist. He’s a winner of the Lomography Awards 2018 for the Cinematics category. Although his creative roots are in documentary and street photography, he also ventures into portraiture with an abstract twist as a means to explore the surrealness that pervades our modern world.

  • Cagla Gulkilik

    An ardent traveler, Cagla Gulkilik has been to breathtaking places most could only dream of. Her love for discovering storied sights and friendly faces eventually paid off when she became one of the winners of the Off the Grid category and an artist-in-residence for the TEN AND ONE Awards 2017.

  • Carla Dief

    Carla Dief is a photographer and YouTuber based in Madrid, Spain. She’s been shooting on film since 2014. In 2017 she began her photography studies and started to work as a photographer in 2019. Since 2018, she has been sharing her knowledge of photography through her YouTube channel. Visit her website.

  • Carolina Bonnelly

    Carolina Bonnelly was born and raised in the Dominican Republic and now resides in Miami. She’s a filmmaker and true-blue Lomographer, earning her a badge for the Special Category: Movement of the Lomography Awards 2018. She focuses on photographing urban spaces and has an ongoing series of capturing images of airplanes artfully reflected on unexpected surfaces like puddles, mirrors, coffee cups, and more.

  • Chase Hart

    Los Angeles-based Chase Hart is a full time editorial and art photographer who goes by the moniker myfridayfilms. Aside from his striking and tasteful portraitures, he shows off his experimental side through double exposure images and film soup projects. He’s one of the 2018 Lomography Award winners of the Human Stories category.

  • Cheng Nan-Huang

    Cheng Nan-Huang is a freelance photographer based in Taiwan, a Leica Fotografie International photo awardee, and winner of the PX3 Gold Award in Portraiture/Personality. His cinematic work has also been featured in the Wonder Foto Day exhibition in Taiwan.

  • Chris Ke

    Chris Ke is a full-time independent photographer from Taiwan. He has won IPA, PX3, and other photography awards. For him, photography links the lens and the world, recording moments and making connections between the photographer and the people. His interests are portrait, street, and fashion photography, and also recording his day-to-day life. Among all these, he’s drawn towards portraiture the most as it carries the emotions and feelings of his subjects. Follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

  • Christine Bartolucci

    Christine Bartolucci is a photographer, podcaster, and YouTuber based in Los Angeles. After graduating from Hallmark Institute of Photography in 2004, she started working as a professional portrait and unit still photographer. As an avid film shooter, she co-hosts a weekly film photography podcast called Analog Talk. She also makes Youtube videos about film photography .

  • Christine Voss

    Christine Voss has been shooting on film for almost two decades and finds joy in capturing minute details and turning them into works of art. She has a soft spot for traveling and shooting with the LC-A and Sprocket Rocket. She’s one of the winners of the TEN AND ONE Awards 2017, under the Urban Explorers category, and a participant in the artist residency week. Photo by marder17.

  • Claudia Sajeva

    Claudia Sajeva (@-dakota-) expresses her passion for architecture and movies through her cinematic photographs. She won in the Adrenaline Junkies category of the 2016 TEN AND ONE Awards and joined her fellow champions in Vienna for a weeklong artist residency.

  • Corentin Schieb

    Corentin Schieb is a photographer and director based in France. What started as a way to keep memories, his passion for photography bloomed when he started studying the analogue medium. His photographs focus on his adventures, explorations, and long journeys on the road with friends. While he enjoys capturing scenes of life, he’s looking to portray the raw beauty of the youth and their ideas of freedom in contrast to the nostalgia of ephemeral moments and lost time.

  • Cristóbal Valdés

    Cristóbal Valdés is a photographer and a Lomography ambassador from Chile. He is the founder of Migo, a laboratory and photography store, and juggles his time between pursuing personal creative projects and professional work as a photographer for architects, decorators, publications, and various companies.

  • Denise Skiadopoulos

    Denise Skiadopoulos studied photography in Leica Academy Greece and business administration management. Together with her sister, she runs Skiadopoulos LTD, a retail store for photography products in Greece — a perfect mix of her two passions.

  • Dimitri Beck

    Dimitri Beck is the director of photography of Polka, a French publication dedicated to photojournalism and contemporary photography. Polka is also a place in Paris with Polka Galerie for exhibitions and the new Polka Factory where you can find our cameras among books, fine art prints and more. Photo by Alizé Le Maoult.

  • Dupdupdee

    Dupdupdee is an amateur street photographer who loves to capture interesting people and the streets of Hong Kong. As a winner of the Adrenaline Junkies Award category of the Lomographer Awards 2019, he is an active Lomographer who likes to use his platform to share photos and exchange ideas with fellow film photographers.

  • Dusit Semangoen

    Dusit Semangoen is a photographer, videographer, and the production director of WOFWOF, a creative house based in Bangkok. He still shoots on film for his professional work and loves to develop his own black and white films.

  • EMGK

    Baptiste, also known as EMGK Photographie on YouTube, is a professional photographer specializing in analogue wedding photography. Four years ago, he created his Youtube channel about analogue photography to share his tips, advice, and gear tests. He also created Box Argentique, a photo box to discover a new film every two months with photo challenges and tips.

  • Eduardo Espinoza Chávez

    Mexico-based cinephile Eduardo Espinoza Chávez’s passion for analogue photography started out during his stint as a film projectionist. Inspired by the works of Wong Kar Wai, he now explores the creative possibilities of film photography with his beautifully executed double exposure photographs and evocative portraits.

  • Edward Conde

    Lomographer Edward Conde (@edwardconde) is obsessed with capturing life around him and describes his photography style as “unobtrusive and observer-like”. He experiments with different cameras and film formats, earning him a spot in the 2016 TEN AND ONE Awards under the Now or Never category.

  • Eleonora Sabet

    Eleonora Sabet is a portraitist and documentary author of Syrian-Palestinian origins born in Milan in 1995. She is a self-taught photographer who starts developing an interest in photographic art through self-portraits. In 2018 she starts traveling in the Middle East to find her origins and to develop her personal projects. In 2019 she wins a scholarship with VII Academy and participates in “Photojournalist Survival Kit” Ron Haviv’s workshop. After that experience, he nominates her for the 6×6 Global Talent Program World Press Photo. In 2020, she had Maggie Steber as her teacher who guided her through her family’s photographic research. In 2021, her project “Confined Youth” is selected for the عـمـان – ـصـورة الـ مـهـرجـان Image Festival Amman. She is a resident artist at OEG – Open Edition Gallery by Perimetro and her work is part of the curators’ selection by Claudio Composti, Hester Keijser, and Enrico Stefanelli. In 2021, she published her first book “The Memory Of You Still Hurts”, she joins Heillandi Gallery and JERGON, co-founded usthey NARRATIVE, a collective born to raise the voices of photographers who identify as a minority. She actively collaborates with Perimetro Magazine, curating a column focused on stories about minorities. Currently, her artistic production focuses on analyzing social issues, especially those she is related to.

  • Eleonore Pairet

    Another residency week participant, Eleonore Pairet (@eleonorepairet) won in the 2016 TEN AND ONE Awards under the special category, Migration and Identity. With her penchant for discovering new places, she continuously inspire everyone with her exceptional travel photographs.

  • Elisa Maccario

    Being an agent in Milano for several designer brands, Elisa Maccario has a lot of experience with visual communication and photography. She's the owner of M E S T U D I O.

  • Emily Swift

    Emily Swift is a film photographer located in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Emily first picked up a camera her freshman year of high school when she signed up for a 35mm film photography course. She went on to study photography in college and opened her first photography studio in 2017 specializing in portrait and fashion photography. After working as a freelance photographer and seeing the world through the fashion circuit, Emily pivoted in her approach to being a working photographer and went back to her roots. In March of 2021, Emily founded Darkslide Film Lab which is one of three film labs in the entire state of Connecticut and is operated by herself and two other young women. Emily continues to take clients by referrals and spends most of her time tucked away in the darkroom she built in her studio.

  • Emma Swann

    Her role as the Founding Editor of UK-based music magazine DIY is what led Emma Swann to the photography path and is frequently found in the pit at festivals including Glastonbury, SXSW, and Reading. Shooting portraits and behind-the-scenes is where her passion lies and incorporates analogue processes into her work wherever possible.

  • Eric Karsenty

    Shortly after graduating from the prestigious École nationale Supérieure de la Photographie d’Arles, Eric Karsenty had worked intensively in different magazines and photo agencies. He is now the editor-in-chief of Fisheye Magazine. Photo by Israel Arino.

  • Experimental Photo Festival (Laura Ligari and Pablo Giori)

    Every July, the international community of experimental photographers pilgrim to Barcelona to share, learn, and have a lot of fun! EXP.22 is a summer camp festival organized by Experimentalphotofestival, a non-profit cultural association created by Laura Ligari and Pablo Giori that aims to create, promote and disseminate experimental photography in all its forms. EXP. 22 III International Festival on Experimental Photography is happening in Barcelona, July 20-24th, 2022. Laura Ligari has a degree in language, art, and culture, and is a 95% self-taught graphic designer and photographer. She is a feminist and has a Ph.D. in falling asleep soon. She has Italian origins and a feeling of not belonging to any territory. She is a pizza lover and Facebook hater. Pablo Giori is passionate about both historical and experimental photography. He has a Ph.D. in contemporary history and is an unexpressed desires facilitator and a civil engineer of unknown bridges and roads.

  • Francesco Gozzi

    As a freelance journalist, Francesco Gozzi has been working for several Italian Magazines. Since 2013, he has been the director of The Mammoth’s Reflex, a web magazine dedicated to the world of photography.

  • Franck Gonnaud

    Franck Gonnaud has been a loyal film shooter since 1996. His work has been published and exhibited in various publications and galleries - a testament to his unwavering love for the medium. He is one of the winners under the Adrenaline Junkies category and part of the artist residency week for the TEN AND ONE Awards 2017.

  • Frank Thorp V

    Frank Thorp V is a producer and reporter for NBC News covering the US Senate, but he also has a deep passion for photography. Since 2018, he has been shooting on film while covering Congress, including using a large-format Speed Graphic camera while documenting the impeachment of President Donald Trump. He has been experimenting with different forms of analogue photography, trying to stretch the boundaries of how to visually cover Congress.

  • Fumihiko Suzuki

    Fumihiko Suzuki is a freelance editor, writer, and photographer. He has always been passionate about publishing magazines and books that caters to photography lovers. Currently, he’s the editor-in-chief of snap!, a magazine dedicated to film photography.

  • Gary Quickfall

    Gary Quickfall hails from the UK and enjoys skateboarding, drumming, and taking photographs. He bagged a spot in the Game Changers category of the Lomography Awards 2018, proving his talent for creating eye-catching multiple exposure images doused in vibrant colors.

  • Georgina Glaser

    Following a career in scientific research, Georgina Glaser now works for the British Ecological Society, an organization dedicated to enabling nature and people to thrive in a world inspired by ecology. There, she co-manages their annual photographic competition, Capturing Ecology, which focuses on the beauty of nature and wildlife, and for which she has curated two photography exhibitions since the winning images first began touring in January 2019.

  • Gil Rigoulet

    Gil Rigoulet started his career in 1975, becoming the first official photographer of the newspaper Le Monde. He has worked as a photojournalist for different magazines for more than 20 years. Photo by Hanna Hildebrand.

  • Grant Spanier

    Grant Spanier is a director and photographer from Los Angeles. As part of the directing duo, DAD, he produces music videos, creative direction, and fashion/editorial photographs.

  • Hannah Bailey

    Hannah Bailey is a passionate award-winning photographer, journalist and producer who has been immersed in the underground scene of action sports, adventure,and outdoors for over 11 years. Born in Edinburgh, Hannah’s work documenting the skateboarding scene worldwide has resulted in awards from the Women’s Sport Trust and Campaign Magazine and features in media such as i_D, Dazed, Asian Geographic, and Women’s Fitness. Her passion is to show the creative side of photography, shooting on film, and being fuelled by nature’s natural luminous light. She has been a proud Lomographer since 2010. Photo by Rupert Shanks.

  • Hiroshi Chinzei

    A passionate photographer from Japan, Hiroshi Chinzei is the store manager of Daikanyama Kitamura Photo Equipment.

  • Holger Nitschke

    Holger Nitschke has been taking digital photos since 2004. In 2019, he started shooting in analogue and learned how to develop his own films and print photographs. His main focus is portrait and fashion photography – preferably in black and white. Ever since he experimented with expired films, colored photos now found a place in his portfolio as well. He loves spontaneous and experimental photo shoots and can be described as absolutely obsessed with photography.

  • HuangMaGua(皇马卦)

    "HuangMaGua(皇马卦)" is a show hosted by Huangfu Xiaoliang and Ma Yiwei. Since 2017, they have been sharing film photography content through vlogs. "HuangMaGua" discusses film photography in a relaxed way, making it accessible to all. They believe that "the value of photography lies in recording and expressing" and encourage everyone to experience it. They have worked with Lomography, Canon, and Fujifilm. Follow them at Bilibili. Ma Yiwei is responsible for planning, editing, and hosting the show. He has been engaged in the advertising creative industry for 10 years and has worked in different art institutions. He also participated in the exhibition design work of photographers such as Araki Nobuyoshi in China. Follow him on Instagram as marberboss. Huangfu Xiaoliang is a photography teacher who has taught in colleges for 10 years. He has a collection of more than 1,000 photography books, and often shares the reading reviews on his own channel 皇甫晓亮.

  • Ilaria Magliocchetti Lombi

    For Ilaria Magliocchetti Lombi building rapport with people is the first step in creating photographs that show both strength and vulnerability. With her strong focus on portraiture and the music scene, her work have been published Vanity Fair, Wired, Io Donna, L’Espresso, Vice Magazine, and more.

  • Jack Munsch

    Jack Munsch is a photographer and filmmaker based in London and is also the creator and curator of Photo Cinematica - the home for cinematic photography online. He began shooting film as an attempt to make photos that looked like movie stills, using atmosphere and the texture of film as a storytelling tool, and more recently, exploring this idea in his love affair with street photography

  • Jatuporn Pateepaparnee

    Jatuporn Pateepaparnee is a photographer, a video editor and a freelance graphic designer. He began his photography path in 2014 which has become more intense as the more he took photos, the more he is into his work.

  • Jeremy Cheung

    Jeremy Cheung started his photography career a decade ago in a bid to capture the rapidly changing cityscape of Hong Kong, which then became the recurring theme on his work. As an urban, event, and architectural photographer, he focuses on capturing candid stories with a strong focus on mood, geometry, and typography.

  • Jerry

    Jerry has been a photographer for five years. With a passion for street, documentary, and portrait photography, he created his own Instagram hashtag #小人物大城市 (“small characters in the big city”) with the hope of inspiring everyone to be more aware of their surroundings. He extensively photographed “The First Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market” in Taiwan, published the first photo book《輪轉》(liàn-tńg), and held an exhibition of his work in 2019.

  • Johanna Olk

    Born in 1993 in France, Johanna Olk studied industrial design. This is the reason why she has always been attracted by objects and compositions with simple and timeless beauty. Her work has been exhibited in France and in the United States, it’s simple but still, it creates an emotion. In her fine line drawings, her watercolors or in her oils on canvas, she imagines women who look like they are dreaming, wrapped in certain melancholia. The artist takes us into her world where time seems to have suddenly stopped. She invites us to obverse faces with fascinating eyes, these cool gazes draw our attention and paradoxically comfort us.

  • Jonathan Paragas

    Jonathan Paragas is a street photographer whose main medium is film. He first started shooting portraits in 2015 but never found the complete fulfilment he was hoping for. He decided to turn his lens to the streets for the first time, capturing the hidden stories of the people that walk in plain sight. Street photography is no longer just a hobby for Jonathan but became his life-long passion.

  • Jules Renault

    Jules Renault is a Parisian director and photographer. Passionate about music and street culture, Jules gets his inspiration and energy from the skate, hip-hop, blues, and cinema universes. In 2021, he released a book and exhibited his first solo show: “Crown Heights - Suspended in Times”. Alongside his personal work, he does photoshoots for brands. Jules loves to experiment with the analogue medium. Catch him on Instagram.

  • Julia Beyer

    Julia Beyer is an instant/analog photographer from Germany. Fueled by her imagination gone wild, she creates dreamlike portraits and surreal atmospheres that are infused with an insatiable wanderlust and her love for indie music. Her work is featured in various international online and offline magazines, exhibitions and music releases. She is a member of the renowned 12:12 Project and Stefanie Schneider’s "Instant Dreams" online Gallery. Photo by Joep Gottemaker.

  • Julija Svetlova

    Julija Svetlova is a photographer, art historian, and founder of www.nejasartwalks.com, a bespoke provider of art-related experiences in London (Instagram: @nejasartwalks). Her love for photography began when she started to experiment with analogue cameras as a teenager in St Petersburg. In 2003, she joined the Hermitage Museum’s photographic laboratory before moving to London in 2007. She has been photographing on film for over 20 years and her work has been published and exhibited internationally. Currently, she is working on different personal projects, which include making a book of her film soup experiments.

  • Kamila Kulik

    Taking inspiration from films, literature, and modern art, Kamila Kulik (@kamila_k) shoots dreamy and evocative portraits with a Holga camera. She’s one of the participants in our first ever artist residency week in Vienna as part of her prize for winning in the Human Stories category of the 2016 TEN AND ONE Awards.

  • Khalifa Al Obaidly

    As a marine biologist, Khalifa Al Obaidly first passion is underwater photography. He works for the Qatar Museums as the director of their artist residency program and runs the Khalifa Art Center.

  • Kida Sepmongkollert

    Kida Sepmongkollerd graduated with a master’s degree in Telecommunications Management at the College of Innovation, Thammasat University. He is a specialist photographer and the first runner-up of Fan Pan Tae, a famous quiz show in Thailand, in the camera category. Aside from this, he is the Business Development Manager of the Big Camera Corporation Public Company Limited, a speaker for the Techno for Life show on FM 99MHz radio, and owner of the Facebook fan page and Youtube Channel, SnapTech Zone.

  • Kurt Prinz

    Kurt Prinz started his photography journey as a means to capture fleeting moments and emotions. He has been a photographer for more than a decade with a strong focus on journalism and commercial work for PR and advertising.

  • Kyle Depew

    Kyle Depew started his passion project, Brooklyn Film Camera, in 2015. It’s one of the few stores in New York that specializes in analogue photography and restoration of vintage instant cameras.

  • La Fille Renne

    La Fille Renne is a French and non-binary film photographer, osteologist, baby tattoo artist and teacher. She enjoys photographing people, intimacy, curiosities, travels, and cats. Along with Raphaëla Icguane, she is the co-founder Polysème Magazine, a printed magazine about feminism, film photography, and art. She also directed short films which focused on bodies and sexualities with Laure Giappiconi and Elisa Monteil.

  • Laetitia Duveau

    Laetitia Duveau is the founder and CEO of Curated by GIRLS, a platform promoting diversity and equality through art. Also an artist herself, she became a curator when she moved from Paris to Berlin in 2016 to find inspiration. This acted as a catalyst for a new chapter in her life. With a passion for art and a love of challenges, the need to create a community supporting emerging female, and queer talents, became her mission. Photo by Louise Lemeur.

  • Lanna Apisukh

    With her background in skateboarding and gymnastics, Lanna Apisukh is always ready to capture the action. As a lifestyle, portrait, and documentary photographer, her work celebrates youth, individuality, culture, style, and travel.

  • Leah Frances

    Leah Frances is the eye behind American Squares, an Instagram photography project that documents American cultural relics and iconography. Frances’ work has been featured in numerous print and online platforms and has been exhibited nationally and internationally. Her first photo book, American Squares, was published by AINT-BAD in the fall of 2019.

  • Lee Tsung Ming (李宗銘)

    As a winner of the Game Changers category of the TEN AND ONE Awards 2017, Lee Tsung Ming became one of the Lomographers to be part of the artist residency week. Always with an eye for compelling stories, he continuously amazes us with his thoughtful portraits.

  • Lena Storjohann

    Lena Storjohann is a self-taught experimental photographer working on double and multiple exposures. She combines as many techniques as possible on 35mm film (like EBS, in-camera masks, filters, cross-processing, film soups, splits, and film swaps) to reflect on reality and truth in their vibrant plurality and their dependence on chance and to celebrate the beauty, humor, and absurdity of this world. This philosophical background and being a graduate art therapist strongly influenced her approach to photography. Remembering the Lomography community’s kindness and generosity regarding inspiration, information, and support over all the years, she enjoys sharing her acquired skills and ongoing research by writing articles and giving workshops at the experimental photo festival in Barcelona (EXP.22). Her photos have been exhibited in Spain and Colombia.

  • Lertkiat Chongjirajitra

    Lertkiat Chongjirajitra is an orchestral trumpeter and photographer. He’s the owner of LERT’s which is famous for its high-quality film processing and scan service based in Bangkok.

  • リンク写真

    Linksphotograph (jichangyuan) is a young landscape photographer from China. He graduated from the Department of Art Photography in Tokyo, Japan, and received a good education in traditional photography. He has worked with brands such as Nikon, Canon, OPPO, Insta360, DJI, and Zhiyun. In 2021, he held many photography exhibitions in Japan and China: [To The Peak] at the Sony Imaging Gallery in Ginza, Japan, [Traveling 旅しないカメラ] at Place MArt Gallery, and a solo exhibition "探索不止 Keep Exploring" at Nikon China Store (Shanghai) November. Follow him on Bilibili at Linksphotograph or visit his website.

  • LithiumSociety

    Photographer and art director Vale and Matt work for HB production, a fresh graphic design studio in Rome, Italy. They have two distinct voices, but together they run an artistic profile devoted to analogue photography called LithiumSociety.

  • Lorraine Healy

    Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Lorraine Healy has been a resident of Washington State, US, for the last 28 years. An award-winning poet as well as a photographer, she is an inveterate dog lover, traveler, and hiker.

  • Louis Dazy

    Paris-based director and photographer Louis Dazy started his career of making nostalgic and cinematic images four years ago. Through his careful angling, focus, lighting and composition, Louis turns nocturnal urban events into moments of tender melancholy, sometimes even magic. He launched his first self-published photobook, Dreams in Technicolor, in 2019.

  • L’oeil d’Eos

    After a long journey round the globe, Eloïse et Luc decided to create L’oeil d’Eos, a creative studio specialised in photo and video mainly focused in the travel field but also in lifestyle, fashion and sport. L’oeil d’Eos’ creations are the testimony of authentic stories with the aim of subliming the interaction between man and nature. In their images, light and poetry prevail in order to encourage the viewers to travel, to discover and to feel the raw subtlety of the world. Passionate about travels, wild areas and mysterious atmospheres, they are also the curators of EOS | Explore Observe Share on Instagram.

  • Maja Jutanda

    Living in the PNW where the adventure never stops, Maja loves to spend time outdoors, travel, and capture moments on film. Her main focus is black and white photography. When not capturing moments, she is the Purchasing and Sales Manager at Pro Photo Supply in Portland, Oregon, where she is responsible for purchasing the most cutting-edge photography technology for the company and supporting the photo community in all of their photographic needs. Maja graduated from the Hallmark Institute of Photography, with a degree in Commercial and Editorial Photography. After graduation, Maja traveled the vast expansive lands of the US with her partner and dog in both a van, documenting every step of her journey with beautiful photographs. Follow her on Instagram at @mjutanda.

  • Marcus Russell Price

    Marcus Russell Price is an award-winning photographer, documentary filmmaker and visual artist. His work has been featured in numerous outlets, including Netflix, Comedy Central, Marie Claire, and New York Magazine. Price is perhaps best known as a trusted photographer of comedians like Hannibal Buress, Pete Davidson, and Aziz Ansari. He is an Executive Producer of Expecting Amy, a documentary series featuring Amy Schumer, just released on HBO Max. Marcus has recently dedicated his time as a frontline photographer for the Black Lives Matter movement.

  • Maria Kotylevskaja

    Maria Kotylevskaja works as photographer and content creator in Berlin. Since she depends on the speed and perfection of digital photography for her professional work, she enjoys using analogue cameras for freelance work and projects even more! Her focus is on the natural, which is why she mainly concentrates on portraits and nude photography.

  • Mario Ferrer

    Another residency week participant, Mario Ferrer (@guanatos) is one of the champions in the Cinematics category of the 2016 TEN AND ONE Awards. Aside from capturing moments in photos, he’s also passionate about sharing his creative vision through short movies shot with the LomoKino.

  • Marion Herbain

    Marion Herbain curates the popular Instagram account f1rstoftheroll which sets out to celebrate the first frame of a film roll, often discarded as an incomplete picture.

  • Marta Huguet

    Madrid-based Marta Huguet specializes in emotive portrait photography. As the owner of La Peliculera and one of the co-founders of Whattaroll Magazine, she aims to give a platform for unrecognized talents in the film photography community.

  • Martynas Katauskas

    Martynas Katauskas has been shooting on film for a decade and is one of the longtime members of the Lomography Community where is known as duffman. Currently, he’s studying photojournalism and documentary photography in Hannover while working as a photographer at Bremen’s newspaper Weser-Kurier.

  • Maxime Gobet

    Maxime Gobet opened L’imaginarium du photographe in August 2016 in Clermont-Ferrand, in the center of France. In his analogue photography shop, you can find photo gear including Lomography products. There’s also a lab and an exhibition room. With three other photographers, Maxime recently created Association Monstre in order to promote even more photography in his town.

  • Maxwell Schiano

    Maxwell Schiano is a freelance photographer, filmmaker, and producer living in New York City. His work focuses on celebrating NYC through its everyday moments, finding the intersection of beauty and realness. In 2020, he released his first print publication as "New York City Vibe" – an homage to NYC food carts, raising funds to support the Street Vendor Project. He’s worked for brands such as Tiffany & Co, HBO, Glossier, MoMA, RCA Records, Revlon, and more. Find him on the internet as @newyorkcityvibe.

  • Mihály Alagi

    Mihály Alagi bends the rules of reality with his surreal multiple exposure photographs. When not playing with colors and layers, he captures the understated beauty of everyday scenarios in black and white, earning him the prize for the Monochrome category of the TEN AND ONE Awards 2017 and a spot in the artist residency week.

  • Montague Fendt

    Montague Fendt (@montagu) works as a director for advertising, commercials, and indie films. Fendt won in the Monochrome and Breaking Boundaries categories of the 2016 TEN AND ONE Awards and participated in our weeklong artist residency in Vienna.

  • Morgane Erpicum

    Morgane Erpicum , who has found solace in the pace and rhythm of analog photography, travels the world exploring the theme of the monumental vastness of nature. Her photographs showcase the outer limits of our planet: otherworldly places where life must be strong, adaptable and resilient to survive. Her work invites us to draw a parallel between our own human fragility and the vulnerability of these extreme landscapes to change. Morgane dares to dream that capturing the Sublime of these places now—for tomorrow they could be gone— could help the world fall in love with these regions and inspire people to save them from destruction.

  • Naomi Davison

    Naomi Davison is a UK-based photographer with a background in magazine journalism. Currently part of the team at Intrepid Camera Co., helping to grow the large-format photography community and make the medium more accessible. Her personal work ranges from minimal portraiture to documentary style scenes predominantly shot on medium format film. She recently collaborated with Lomography to test out the new LomoGraflok 4x5 Instant Back.

  • Nicola D’Orta

    Having extensively studied arts and photography, fashion, glamor, and portrait photographer Nicola D’orta used his knowledge to refine his own creative style. Through his images, he aims to highlight the subtle beauty of moments that often go unnoticed.

  • Nicola D’Orta

    Born in Caserta, Italy, in 1984, Nicola D’Orta is a photographer certified by Leica. He has always considered art as a means of communication in all its forms and expressions. He studied at the University of Architecture "Luigi Vanvitelli" and has a Master in Advanced Photography at The European Institute of Design which he attended in Venice. This experience provided him tools to expand his knowledge about art and enabled him to create a form of individual creativity that has found its expression and practical synthesis in photography. In a world that moves too fast and doesn’t always give an opportunity to appreciate the beauty all around, he wants his photographs to be a small contribution to gather together moments, places, and faces, turning them into images and unforgettable emotions.

  • Noemi Bellioni

    Berlin-based photographer Noemi Bellioni is capturing the world around her in amazingly versatile snapshots that will make you feel homesick for places you have never been. As the founder of BerlinOnFilm, Noemi is leading a community of passionate non-professional film photographers that regularly meet up for Photo Walks and other shenanigans!

  • Nopawach Bom Gajajiva

    Photographer, conceptual artist, professional musician and founder of “The LightSaver” Nopawach Bom Gajajiva is an active artist based in Bangkok, Thailand. He uses both film and digital medium to capture his art. For many years, Bom has been consistently working with many photographic brands including Lomography.

  • Nural Idrisoglu

    For the past seven years, Nural Idrisoglu has been sharing her passion for film photography as the manager of Lomography Turkey.

  • Nuria Cabrera Sancho

    Nuria Cabrera Sancho is a journalist based in Barcelona. In addition to her job as a host of a local radio show and as marketing manager, Nuria also has a blog where she expresses her most intimate feelings and experiences. She loves to travel, even more so with an analogue camera in tow. Always equipped with a 120 or 35 mm camera, she captures the little details of daily life in different countries.

  • Oliver Heinemann

    Oliver Heinemann is an architectural photographer and owner of Khrome, a photography shop in Hamburg, Germany catering to all things analogue, and a professional lab for photo and motion picture film processing. He is one of the founding members of BVAF, the first German association dedicated to supporting and propagating architectural photography as a sustainable business and art form. Oliver has been a fan of Lomography since its inception in the late 90s. For him, the most important thing to learn about photography is to simply go out and shoot, no matter what camera, film, etc. that you have. With that in mind, he is honored to participate as a judge in the Lomography Awards.

  • Patrice Baunov

    As a self-styled “Visual Arthropologist”, Patrice Baunov works as a documentary storyteller who captures moments in an experimental approach through manual manipulation of the camera, film, developing process, etc. Through his work, he seeks to preserve and present his own perception of the world and to document life, culture, architecture, nature, and more.

  • Paul Hepper

    Paul Hepper is a photographer and videographer from Berlin. For him, the most important aspect of photography is for the images to convey moods. Paul also shares his knowledge on photography through his YouTube channel PaulsGym.

  • Paul McKay

    As the one of the founders of Analogue Wonderland, Paul Mckay lives and breathes film photography. His first foray into the medium started with an Olympus OM1 he inherited from his father-in-law. Through his analogue-exclusive store, he aims to make film photography more accessible and fun for everyone.

  • Paul del Rosario

    Paul del Rosario is the founder of 120LOVE, a lifestyle brand based in Japan that aims to keep the analogue spirit relevant and fun in today’s predominantly digital world.

  • Photoblog.hk

    Photoblog.hk is founded by Alex, Kenneth, Rex, and Nok. Outside the blog, the team members have different occupations and specialities, but they have the same passion for photography and writing. They consider Photoblog as a notebook for photographers, recording all the latest advancement in photography.

  • Pierre P. Marchal

    Pierre P. Marchal is the founder and art director of JPPM, an agency that specializes in digital art direction, art curation, and communications strategy.

  • Pierre Pomonti

    Parisian by adoption and founder of Folkr, Pierre Pomonti has been filling his daily life with images for almost 10 years. With a small film camera loaned by his mother, Pierre began by photographing the landscapes of his hometown, Marseille. Today, he immortalizes the models and anonymous with the same thread: the natural. He has a passion for stolen photos and backstages. With Folkr, he deciphers trends and draws the portrait of the talents of today and tomorrow.

  • Pietro Contaldo

    Pietro Contaldo is a Neapolitan street photographer and president of Igersitalia, the largest community of content creators in the world. Since 2016, he has been the Italian ambassador of 24 Hour Project, a worldwide project of street and documentary photography. Pietro is also the co-founder of Foodtellers, a documentary project about cooking and street food. He is a lover of Ilford HP 5 Plus 35mm.

  • Pirak Anurakyawachon

    Pirak Anurakyawachon is professional photographer and former editor of Art4D magazine. "Dei Pirak Anurakyawachon" of Spaceshift Studio is the foremost architectural photography studio in Thailand. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook.

  • Ramón Jiménez III

    Ramón Jiménez III is the manager of our Embassy Store in Barcelona. He is passionate about telling stories through captivating portraits shot film.

  • Ray Ong

    Ray Ong is a designer and photographer with a flair for cinematic instant image, which earned him a spot in the Now or Never category of the Lomography Awards. When shooting, he prefers capturing the quietness and atmosphere of moments and feels the most carefree when discovering new places with his camera.

  • Revela’T

    Revela’T, the international festival of contemporary analog photography, is a unique event in Spain and pioneer in the world - absolutely singular and an international reference - that attracts the attention of photographers and people interested in Art and Culture from all over the world. The presence of all these artists and creators of the first level has allowed consolidation of the excellence and international dimension of this analog event, in which photographers from many countries participate. Follow them on Instagram.

  • Ricardo Moreno

    Ricardo Moreno is the director of POORdesigner.com, a company in Bogotá, Colombia, dedicated to the promotion of design, art and analogue photography. In 2010, he became the brand ambassador of Lomography Colombia, which opened an opportunity for him to get connected with traditional photography, a magic process that he nowadays enjoys. He also loves to find colors, shapes, functionality and technology integrated into objects, images, and products.

  • Robert of London Camera Project

    The driving force behind the London Camera Project, London-born Robert is a self-taught photographer with a love for all formats who is just as at home shooting protests as he is shooting portraits. Apart from photography, he has been organising photo walks and other community-based meetups for a number of years. Robert has recently made a number of contributions to podcasts and YouTube live videos.

  • Roberto Fiuza

    With his mastery of light and shadow, Roberto Fiuza (@robertofiuza) turns everything his camera captures into surreal, symmetrical photographs. As a winner of the Game Changers category in the 2016 TEN AND ONE Awards, he became one of our Residency Week participants in Vienna.

  • Rumpaporn Vorasiha

    Rumpaporn Vorasiha is a freelance photographer and special instructor for photography at the Bangkok University.

  • Sally & Matthias

    As the Founders and Presidents of the Lomographic Society International, there couldn’t possibly be better judges than Sally and Matthias. They’re particularly fond of the shot from the hip!

  • Sarah Blard

    Independent photographer, Sarah Blard has been passionate about analogue photography for many years. With her camera, she catches the fine line between the real world and the imaginary, somewhere between the visible and the invisible. Sarah’s photos have been published online and in printed magazines. She has been exhibited in France and Spain, too.

  • Sebastian Alvin Setiawan

    Sebastian Alvin Setiawan is an analogue enthusiast from Indonesia whose work focuses on portraiture and street. He is one of the champions of the Now and Never category of the TEN AND ONE Awards 2017, which earned him a ticket to be part of the Residency Week.

  • Sebastian Gansrigler

    Born in Burgenland, Austria in 1994, Sebastian Gansrigler now works as an independent photographer for museums and galleries, and as a graphic designer in Vienna. His education encompasses both media design and media technology. He has been the publisher and editor-in-chief of the new indie photography magazine Auslöser since 2019.

  • Sebastian Hilgetag

    Sebastian Hilgetag is a fashion, editorial, and commercial photographer. More than the look or style, he makes it a point to have a strong and unique concept on every photo he creates.

  • Sebastian Kortmann

    Photographer and director Sebastian Kortmann always works with special thinking about aesthetics and the human being. After working for years as a commercial director, his long-lasting passion for photography eventually grew back which led him to shoot various projects, from commercials to portraits.

  • Shintaro Nakamura

    Shintaro Nakamura is the director of SCHEMA, inc. and a photographer. His photos appear in the packaging of the limited edition Lomography x Kitamura LomoChrome Metropolis TOKYO FILM, celebrating 20 years of Lomography Japan.

  • Simon King

    Simon King is a documentary photographer, writer, and teacher. His most recent publication is D.C. Exclusion Zone offering a perspective on the highly restricted situation surrounding Washington D.C. during the 59th Presidential Inauguration. Simon is a member of the New Exit Group, which collaborates on long-form social narrative stories and photo essays. Headshot by Zack Webb.

  • Simone Savo

    Simone Savo has been shooting on film for more than a decade and is an avid fan of film soup experiments. He creates entertaining content for his recipes and reviews of different cameras and films on his Instagram account.

  • Sissi Lu

    Sissi Lu is a film photographer based in New York City. Always carrying her Hasselblad 500cm, she captures the empathetic nature of humanity everywhere she travels. Sissi’s current project a Word to the Young archives timeless wisdom with storytelling portraits of the elderly community.

  • Sophie Schwartz

    Sophie Schwartz is a New York-based photographer, book artist, and archivist. She is the photo editor of PIQUE, a magazine that celebrates the art and cultural contributions of queer women and non-binary individuals. Her work bridges traditional technique with contemporary content, working primarily with a large format view camera. She currently works at The Penumbra Foundation.

  • Sophirat Muangkum

    A self-taught photographer, Sophirat Muangkum has been in the industry for more than a decade. Her work focuses on artistic and conceptual nudes and has been exhibited widely in Thailand and Singapore.

  • Stella Gelardi Malfilatre

    Stella Gelardi Malfilatre is a documentarian, photographer, and researcher. Through her eye-catching work, she gives emphasis on the unique character of the people she photographs.

  • The Maxwells

    Together known as The Maxwells, creative duo Ruby June and Philip express their shared love for photography through their compelling and well-conceptualized portraits.

  • Tobi Pripicart

    Tobi Pripicart is one of Germany’s most sought-after analogue photographers, hailing from beautiful Garmisch-Partenkirchen! His signature style of amazingly intimate portraits showcasing raw feminine beauty in all its softness and roughness is truly captivating.

  • Torsten Dittkuhn

    One of the veterans in the Lomography Community, Torsten Dittkuhn, popularly known as bloomchen, is an avid ultimate frisbee player and medium format lover. He has proven his dedication for the experimental photography time and again, bagging a spot in the Trial and Error category of the TEN AND ONE Awards 2017 and participating in the competition’s artist residency week.

  • Tung Li

    Tung Li is an artist and professional photographer from Taiwan also known as “Visual Wasted”. Over the past four years, he has concentrated on creating visual arts about the relation between oneself and the society they live in. At the core of his work is the belief that art should question the prevailing system and provide a space for introspection to its creators. His photographs have been part of multiple group and solo exhibitions.

  • Valerie Timmermans

    Passionate and collecting all things photography, Valerie Timmermans is the curator of the Instagram account dedicated to photography @valtimmermans and an associate curator on the project @subjectivelyobjective. Recently, she was invited by photographer Matthieu Venot to write the preface to his upcoming book. She’s currently working on two personal instant photo projects: @234_stations and @wasser__s__turm, together with @gangswithaview.

  • Willie Schumann

    Longtime Community member Willie Schumann (@wil6ka) is the creative force behind the Magazine series, The World According to Herr Willie. Being a TV journalist and filmmaker has taken him to places some could only dream of, collecting truly captivating stories along the way.

  • Wong Kar Wai

    As an actor and influencer, Wong Kar Wai brings attention to social issues in hilarious yet informative videos — a style he brings into his carefree and quirky film photographs.

  • Yoshitaka Goto

    One of the most talented Lomographers in the Community, Yoshitaka Goto (@gocchin) pushes the boundaries of film photography with his exceptional multiple exposure images, which had been exhibited in our Gallery Store in Japan. Goto participated in our first artist residency in Vienna as one of the winners in the Monochrome category.

  • Zhang Keyue

    Zhang Keyue is a commercial and art photographer with fashion and travel as his main focus. He currently resides in Toronto, Canada.

  • Zhang Qianli

    Zhang Qianli is the founder of "原来这么拍 (So That’s It)" and a professional photographer and videographer who has collaborated with big brands in the field. In 2005, he won the first prize of the National Geographic Travel Photography Contest. He now lives in Toronto, Canada.

  • Xiao Dao (回形岛)

    Xiao Dao is a freelance writer and photography lecturer. The style of his work pursues simplicity, purity and Zen. He is also a special photographer for the China National Geographic, contributing author for China Airlines, cooperative photographer for the Xinhua Newspaper, and the “Russia World Cup” special photographer for Baidu.

  • Haiyin Lin (林海音)

    Haiyin Lin is a fashion photographer based in Beijing and New York. With a focus on portraiture, her work has been published in various magazines like Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle Magazine, National Geographic, and more.

  • Qiang Yin (银强)

    Qiang Yin is a senior photographer in China and chief editor of Camera Beta. With a familiarity with various photography and camera equipment, he participated in co-organizing the “卡色 Kase” photography contest, CMG video film and television competition.